Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lawn Gnome Bedroom

Sorry for the lack of updates, I didn't get a chance to upload anymore photos of the Hanz House, but the winners were announced and I came in SECOND place! WOO-HOO!

Anyhow, I'll upload Hanz photos later on. But for now I wanted to share my very first recolors ever! I was quite excited these didn't turn out so bad. I don't know how to preview recolors other than ingame (have to ask Dad for the proper program to use) so for the first go, I didn't think these were too bad.

My inspirations were the two little paintings off to the side of the bed. I will have this set available for download somewhere soon, I'm not sure how to really share creations yet.

I hope you like it!

{ Lawn Garden Bedroom Set } by MissFarren

What was recolored:
Bed (Jope)
Chair (Jope)
Beding & Pillows (Huabbanzhu on TSR $$$)
Mini Paintings (Steffor)

The larger girl painting is also a recolor by me using Simpe Wizard. I'm still working on a set for these...

1 comment:

takari said...

how can i download this???
because it is amazing(: