Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Organizing CC!

I have been on a downloading binge lately! I am taking it slowly though and organizing my downloads ONE BY ONE.

Yes, it is very slow and tedious, but this way it will be easier to pinpoint problem files, missing meshes, and finding items later on.

This is how I have organized my Downloads folder.

  • Genetics [hair/make-up/skintones]
  • Buy Mode [comfort/surfaces/decorative/lighting/misc/appliances/plumbing]
  • Build Mode [walls/floors/fences/garden/doors/windows/misc]
  • Clothing
  • Sims

Eventually I'll sort through the Decorative files and break those down too. It is always to biggest folder.

The good thing about taking it slowly about the downloads is I am downloading only what I really want. Usually I download an entire set and just have the unwanted pieces sit in the folders, this time I am deleting items I don't want before loading them into the game.

Tedious, but will pay off.

More screens soon! I think I have downloaded 200 items today. Which in Sim world is barely anything considering the amount of beautiful custom content for download out there!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The FIRST Apartment

I've reinstalled my Sims game and now have the Apartment Life EP (I love it so far!) I also cleared all my previous CC, so these rooms are a bit bare. I'm sure it won't take long to acrue all the CC I had stored up though. *hehe*

Here is test apartment home in one of the premade Maxis apartment. It looks like a prison from the outside, but I was really excited to get in there and try out everything.

I love the vents and exposed building materials. I also love that things can be moved up and down the wall (only applies to objects that are "wall hangings")

Anyhow, I will eventually build London style townhomes which I have always wanted to do ever since Nightlife came out. YAY!

But for now, some screens from the first apartment I've occupied.

Winter Harvest

Ava McEvoy had moved into her small downtown home not too long ago, at first she was apprehensive about living in the city, she had always grown up amongst plenty of vegetation and plant life.

One of the selling points of the house was the small glass greenhouse in the back. The entire lawn lacked any sort of garden. But in a matter of months, Ava would turn things around and the bare lawn would become a lush landscape of flowers, shrubs, and trees.

But for now, a few simple tomatoes to sell at the Farmer's Market will do. She hums to herself as she selects a few red juicy tomatoes and places them in her basket. All the sweat and toil during the Fall months were worth it. These tomatoes were perfection!